Private Practice Tips

A blog for therapists looking to build a successful, cash-pay private practice.

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The Art of Branding: How to Effectively Name and Position Your Private Practice

So what’s in a name? LOTS!   Let’s discuss an often-overlooked aspect of starting your private practice: choosing a name! It’s an important element that influences how potential clients think about you and your office. After all, your private practice name is probably a client’s first impression of your business.   Why is it essential to pick…
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Two women speaking while sitting in a chair facing each other

How to Respond to Clients Asking to Apply Insurance in a Cash Pay Therapy Practice

As a private practice coach and practice owner, I often receive questions about my decision to run a cash-only therapy practice. I’m frequently asked how I address this topic with therapy clients who inquire about using their in-network insurance benefits. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through exactly how I discuss out-of-network therapy with…
READ MORE How to Respond to Clients Asking to Apply Insurance in a Cash Pay Therapy Practice
The Critical Role of Strategic Marketing and Referrals in Teen Therapy Success

The Critical Role of Strategic Marketing and Referrals in Teen Therapy Success

Hello fellow therapists and private practice enthusiasts! I’m Kelley Stevens, and today we’re exploring the niche of teen therapy and the dynamics of group practices with Sara Schreiber, an experienced therapist and group practice owner. Sara’s journey into teen therapy began during her social work training and was cemented by her first job post-graduation. As…
READ MORE The Critical Role of Strategic Marketing and Referrals in Teen Therapy Success
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