Avoid These 5 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Private Practice Therapists

Avoid These 5 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Private Practice Therapists

Discover the top financial blunders therapists often make in their private practices. Learn how to differentiate business and personal expenses, prioritize long-term savings, manage financial risk, create a succession plan, and take ownership of your financial journey. Avoid these pitfalls and ensure a prosperous future for both your practice and your clients.

Preparing for Maternity Leave as a Therapist in Private Practice: 4 Important Considerations

Preparing for Maternity Leave as a Therapist in Private Practice: 4 Important Considerations

Becoming a parent is exciting and transformative, but it can also present challenges, especially for therapists in private practice. Planning for maternity leave is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and maintain the well-being of clients, yourself, and your new baby. In this blog post, I will explore essential steps to help therapists prepare for…

Featured in Pollen Magazine: Converting a First Phone Call into a First Session

Featured in Pollen Magazine: Converting a First Phone Call into a First Session

Learning to convert potential clients during an initial phone call is challenging. Click here to check out my recent article in Pollen Magazine for 6 Steps to Convert a First Phone Call to a First Session or read it below. —- One of the most challenging parts of private practice is connecting with potential clients…