Navigating Recessions: How to Maintain Client Loyalty in Cash Pay Therapy

Navigating Recessions: How to Maintain Client Loyalty in Cash Pay Therapy

How can you retain clients as part of your cash pay practice? As a private practice coach and owner of an out-of-network therapy practice, I’ve learned clients have many options when choosing a therapist. A client who decides to go out-of-network to see their therapist is choosing to make a financial investment in their mental…

Avoid These 5 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Private Practice Therapists

Avoid These 5 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Private Practice Therapists

Discover the top financial blunders therapists often make in their private practices. Learn how to differentiate business and personal expenses, prioritize long-term savings, manage financial risk, create a succession plan, and take ownership of your financial journey. Avoid these pitfalls and ensure a prosperous future for both your practice and your clients.

The Good Faith Estimate

The Good Faith Estimate

The legal side of healthcare can often feel out of reach to those of us who don’t have the time or expertise needed to decipher pages and pages of technical language. When it comes to translating that into our daily lives, staying informed on advancements within provider/patient relationships, and what changes to look for, often…

Three Reasons to List Your Therapy Fee On Your Private Practice Webpage

Three Reasons to List Your Therapy Fee On Your Private Practice Webpage

One of the questions therapists often ask is whether cash-based therapists should list their fees on their private practice web pages. Although many therapists have different opinions on this topic, I am a firm believer in listing your therapy fee on your webpage.  Many therapists fear that listing their fees on their webpage will cause…