Formulas Over Fear: A Systematic Approach to Your Dream Career

“Fear doesn’t mean you stop.” In this galvanizing episode, Nicole McCance shares the means and the methods she identified to transcend beyond a cycle of professional and personal fatigue and into a new quality of life. From mindset to implementation, host and guest leave no stone unturned as they discuss not only the why, but the how, of entering new territory.
In my most recent episode of The Private Practice Pro Podcast, I sat down with psychologist and business coach, Nicole McCance, to talk about how to stop the cycle of fear and fatigue, scale up your ambition, and finally step into your dream career.
Believe it or not, Nicole scaled her group practice to 55 therapists and seven figures in just three years… with twin toddlers! Then, she sold her practice to pursue her next mission. It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. Nicole’s success is proof that you don’t know what’s possible until you take the leap and try. Whether you want to start a group practice, hire and grow your existing practice, or simply find a balance between inspiration and accountability, this discussion is full of strategies that will help you do it.
Stick around to the end for a sneak peek into Nicole’s Clinic Growth Map, a coaching program for ambitious therapists who want to expand and systemize their private practice (and reach 6-7 figures!).

Nicole is a sought after Psychologist and Business coach who teaches Psychotherapists how to scale to a 7 figure group practice, like she did in 3 years, with toddler twins at home. She is also a Forbes Business council member.