Beyond Expectations: A Transformative Approach to Motherhood

Beyond Expectations: A Transformative Approach to Motherhood

Join host Kelley Stevens in this episode of the Private Practice Pro as she celebrates strength and authenticity in motherhood with licensed therapist Erin Spahr. Tune in to hear Erin’s empowering journey, from overcoming burnout to helping mothers liberate themselves from societal pressures. This episode is a testament to the transformative power of authenticity, reminding…

Late Cancellations, No Shows, and Late Arrivals in Private Practice

Late Cancellations, No Shows, and Late Arrivals in Private Practice

How should you handle late cancellations, no shows, and late arrivals in your private practice therapy business?   Having policies and procedures in place for how to handle late cancellations, no shows, and late arrivals is an essential part of running a sustainable private practice. This article features applicable templates to get you started. As a…

How to Conquer Marketing Fears

How to Conquer Marketing Fears

One of the most common reasons why therapists have difficulty building their private practice is fear. Many of us spend hours each week helping our clients conquer their fears, but when it comes to getting out of our comfort zones and sharing our professional selves with the community, we falter. Here are three things to…

The Good Faith Estimate

The Good Faith Estimate

The legal side of healthcare can often feel out of reach to those of us who don’t have the time or expertise needed to decipher pages and pages of technical language. When it comes to translating that into our daily lives, staying informed on advancements within provider/patient relationships, and what changes to look for, often…

Five Free Ways to Market Your Private Practice

Five Free Ways to Market Your Private Practice

If there’s one thing I can guarantee, it is that you will never regret surrounding yourself with intelligent, entrepreneurial, and clinically-gifted therapists who value ethics. Marketing trends are volatile and sometimes unpredictable, but therapy still remains highly based on the concept of mentorship. So, it’s no wonder why having a diverse network of therapists whose experience is available to draw from is vital

Featured in Pollen Magazine: Converting a First Phone Call into a First Session

Featured in Pollen Magazine: Converting a First Phone Call into a First Session

Learning to convert potential clients during an initial phone call is challenging. Click here to check out my recent article in Pollen Magazine for 6 Steps to Convert a First Phone Call to a First Session or read it below. —- One of the most challenging parts of private practice is connecting with potential clients…